Lipsticks are Tainted with Lead
Do You Want To See How Your Health Is Being Compromised?
The Inside Story on Lead in Lipstick
You can grab the story right now, still free of charge, and learn about the lead in your lipstick.
Find out which lipsticks have lead, what lead can do to your health (not pretty), what the government is doing about it, where to get lead-free lipsticks, and lots, lots more.
If you don't have the time to read the whole story right now, check your e-mail and you'll find a link to the story that we will e-mail you so you can read it in your spare time.
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Included with your report is the Mineral Makeup Beauty Directory, which is a giant catalog of companies that offer natural & mineral makeup without the poisonous chemicals that they put in the makeup products nowadays.
Get it today. The inside story on lead in lipstick and learn how your lipstick may harm you.
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