Tip 1: Why do you get acne?
Your skin is a third kidney. The toxic waste that your two kidneys cannot remove from your body it gets removed through your skin. What toxic waste you might ask?
From your junky diet you dump into your body enormous amounts of chemicals, toxic metals, recycled nuclear waste, and other poisons. In order for you to stay alive, your body has to remove it out from somewhere.
Since your kidneys cannot outdo you (you dump more than they can remove), your body gets it out from your skin. In this process, oil, bacteria, dead skin cells, and toxic waste get caught into the follicle and inflammation occurs - a pimple is produced.
One thing is not known though. Why from two people with same junky diet, one will get pimples and one will not? Perhaps it could be each individual's kidney function.
Tip 2: What influences how much acne you have?
First of all it's your diet. But the most important is the sodium level in your body. If you have a high sodium diet (over 3,000 mg a day) you will have more acne.
Besides other functions, sodium regulates your body's acidity. In other words, it helps remove toxins from your body. Of course, you cannot completely eliminate salt from your diet because you will die. The sodium is one of the vital minerals in your body.
For start you can go on a very low sodium diet for a week or so, and then try to keep your total daily sodium intake anywhere between 2,000mg and 3,000mg. That's sodium from food, beverages, and regular table salt.
Tip 3: How to get rid of acne permanently
Very simple - change your diet. While you can still use any of the acne removal products to help you in the process, you need to change your diet to remove the problem all together so you never get acne again.
Eat mostly fresh, raw, and organic fruits and vegetables and very little processed food. If you need to cook it, buy only certified organic.
The most important of all, drink plenty of plain water and none of the other modern day beverages filled with lots of sugar and chemicals. The water will help your kidneys remove your toxins more from your urine and bile and less from your skin.
In the process you can only use natural chamomile cleansers to clean the skin from the left over toxins and help you get the inflammation down. A good brand of liquid fish oil, such as Carlson, will help you get the inflammation under control.
Don't expect fast overnight results because it will take you some time to cleanse your body, based on how much toxic waste you have managed to dump into your body, but the results will be permanent.